This example shows how to prepare a region that is parallel to the coastline. Once this is created, you can do geometric calculations in that area, like mean Chl-a.
Load the sample data.
data("sample_raster", package="basics")
df <- sample_raster$df
ras <- sample_raster$raster
lons <- sample_raster$lons
lats <- sample_raster$lats
Load the needed packages for plotting.
## Loading required package: raster
## Loading required package: sp
## Loading required package: ggplot2
For this buffer, I am using a fairly zoomed out version of the coastline. You could use the coastline from rnaturalearth.
world <- rnaturalearth::ne_countries(scale = "small", returnclass = "sp")
world <- rgeos::gUnaryUnion(world)
Here we add a buffer but it is hard to see at the world scale.
buff1 <- raster::buffer(world, width = 1, dissolve = TRUE)
e<-erase(buff1, world)
plot(e, col="red", axes=TRUE)
Let’s zoom in a bit.
One issue is that the units of the width are unclear. The help file for
says that the units are meters when +proj=longlat
as it is for world
, but that is clearly not the case. The help file further implies that if the object is a SpatialPolygon
, as it is in this case, the buffer is computed using rgeos. This would imply that rgeos::gBuffer()
is used. But the rgeos::gBuffer()
help file has no information on the units of width
. The distance appears to be in units of degree, and poking into the code for .pointsBuffer()
(here by searching on google), indicates that it sets longlat = FALSE
if the data are lines or a polygon (not points). If longlat=FALSE
then it uses units of degree. Units of degree are quite useless since this will not be area or distance uniform as we move around the map (north to south) or as our buffer rotates (from N-S to E-W).
How to do this? Looking at the raster::buffer()
source code, it is clear that that function always uses units of degrees if the object is an sp object and not points. So let’s try rgeos::gBuffer()
. The help file is equally useless here regarding the units.
Here’s the workflow:
is in long-lat which is just x-y with longitude on x-axis and latitude on y-axis. Ok for plotting but in that x-y plane, 1-degree will have different kms in different places. We need to convert to a projection with meters. There are many we could use. Winkel tripel projection is a fairly standard one which is a compromise projection to preserve distance, area, and direction.
means Winkel tripel projection. The lon_0
and lat_1
where it is centered. Let’s keep at 0. x_0
and y_0
is the axis origin in the meters scale. We can ignore that too. units
should be m
or km
to this projection.
# Step 1
newcrs <- "+proj=wintri +lon_0=0 +lat_1=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=km +no_defs"
# Step 2
x <- sp::spTransform(world, newcrs)
# Step 3
buff1 <- rgeos::gBuffer(x, width = 100)
e<-raster::erase(buff1, x)
It’ll be helpful to have lons
and lats
in these new coordinates so we can crop.
mpts <- SpatialPoints(cbind(lons, lats), proj4string=CRS("+proj=longlat"))
mpts <- sp::spTransform(mpts, newcrs)
Now we can plot as before:
crop_e <- raster::crop(e, raster::extent(mpts))
plot(crop_e, col="red", axes=TRUE)
plot(x, add=TRUE, col="grey")
plot(sp::spTransform(crop_e, crs(world)), axes=TRUE, col="red")
plot(world, add=TRUE, col="grey")
Let’s create a 100km wide buffer that is 250 to 350 km offshore. 250 km is about 3 degrees longitude offshore at 40 degrees latitude (here is a calculator).
# Step 1
newcrs <- "+proj=wintri +lon_0=0 +lat_1=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=km +no_defs"
# Step 2
x <- sp::spTransform(world, newcrs)
# Step 3
buff1 <- rgeos::gBuffer(x, width = 350, byid=TRUE)
buff2 <- rgeos::gBuffer(x, width = 250, byid=TRUE)
e<-raster::erase(buff1, buff2)
Now we can plot as before:
plot(sp::spTransform(crop_e, crs(world)), axes=TRUE, col="red", add=TRUE)
plot(world, add=TRUE, col="grey")
# Step 1
newcrs <- "+proj=wintri +lon_0=0 +lat_1=0 +x_0=0 +y_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=km +no_defs"
# Step 2
x <- sp::spTransform(world, newcrs)
# Step 3
buff1 <- rgeos::gBuffer(x, width = 300, byid=TRUE)
e<-raster::erase(buff1, x)
If we wanted to get rid of the interior coastlines, we could use the remove.holes()
function from spatialEco.
nohole_e <- spatialEco::remove.holes(spatialEco::remove.holes(e))
## Warning in sp::proj4string(x): CRS object has comment, which is lost in output
## Warning in sp::proj4string(x): CRS object has comment, which is lost in output
Now we can plot as before and the holes that would be removed are the red lines.
plot(e, border="red", axes=TRUE, xlim=mpts@bbox[1,], ylim=mpts@bbox[2,])
plot(x, add=TRUE, col="grey")