This example shows how work through the points along the 20km coastline and return the stats for each point.

The basics package our coastline, coastal sample points and the offshore 300km line.

data(package = "basics")

Load the needed packages for plotting and data.

## Loading required package: raster
## Loading required package: sp
## Loading required package: ggplot2
require(basics) # the data
## Loading required package: basics

Make a function to get the nearest points on the 300 km line

We need to pass it our 300 km line as a data frame (long, lat, ID) along with the long-lat of a point on the coast. Little bumps in the coast and 300km lines cause the nearest points to be clustered around dips toward the coast. Simplifing the line helps prevent this. A tol about 50 seems to work. na.rm determines if NA are ignored or not.

# l is SpatialLines for 300 km line
# p is SpatialPoints of coastal point
NearestPoints <- function(l, p, tol=NULL) {
  if(!is.null(tol)) l <- rgeos::gSimplify(l, tol=tol)
  df <- c()
  n <- length(l@lines[[1]]@Lines)
  for (i in 1:n) {
    df <- rbind(df, cbind(l@lines[[1]]@Lines[[i]]@coords, ID = i))
  pts <- p@coords
  close_coords <- matrix(NA, nrow(pts), 2)
  for (i in 1:nrow(pts)) {
    close_coords[i, ] <- maptools::nearestPointOnLine(df, pts[i, ])
  close_sp <- sp::SpatialPoints(close_coords, proj4string = crs(l))
  return(list(coords = close_coords, sp = close_sp))

Make a function to get the average SST for these 300 km points

Because the raster might include islands, which would be NA, setting na.rm=FALSE means coastal points that are inside of an island will be NA.

# p is SpatialPoints the coastal points
# d is the distance (in whatever units p is in)
SST.offshore <- function(r, p, d = 100, na.rm=FALSE) {
  if(d==0){ # Get value at points
  vals <- raster::extract(r, p)
  # Get values in circle around points
  pts <- p@coords
  vals <- c()
  for(i in 1:nrow(pts)){
    pt <- sp::SpatialPoints(pts[i,,drop=FALSE])
    circle_pt <- raster::buffer(pt, width = d)
    vals <- c(vals, mean(raster::extract(r, circle_pt)[[1]], na.rm=na.rm))

Make a function to get the SST for the coastal points

If d=0 then it just returns the SST at the point. If d is not zero, it takes the average along l that is d to each side of the points.

SST.coast <- function(r, p, l=NULL, d=0) {
  vals <- raster::extract(r, p)
  if(is.null(l)) stop("If d is not zero, need the coastline.")
  pts <- p@coords
  vals <- c()
  for(i in 1:nrow(pts)){
    pt <- sp::SpatialPoints(pts[i,,drop=FALSE])
    circle_pt <- raster::buffer(pt, width = d)
    segment_pt <- raster::intersect(l, circle_pt)
    vals <- c(vals, mean(raster::extract(r, segment_pt)[[1]], na.rm=TRUE))
upwelling <- function(r, p, l.offshore, l.coast=NULL, d.offshore=100, d.coast=0, threshold=2.5, tol=NULL){
  coast.pts <- p
  offshore.pts <- NearestPoints(l.offshore, coast.pts, tol=tol)$sp
  off.sst <- SST.offshore(r, offshore.pts, d = d.offshore)
  coast.sst <- SST.coast(r, p, l=l.coast, d=d.coast)
  df <- data.frame(p@coords, offshore=off.sst, coast=coast.sst, 
  colnames(df) <- c("longitude", "latitude", "offshore.SST", "coast.SST", "upwelling")
  return(list(df=df, offshore.pts=offshore.pts, tol=tol, threshold=threshold, d.offshore=d.offshore, d.coast=d.coast))

Now we can apply this to a set of points in our area of interest (WA/OR)

coast.pts <- raster::crop(sample_points$km100, 
out <- upwelling(sample_raster$raster.wintri, coast.pts, 
                 raster::crop(buffer300$wintri$line, raster::bbox(sample_raster$raster.wintri)), d.offshore=0, tol=50)
##    longitude latitude offshore.SST coast.SST upwelling
## 1  -12493.95 4918.992     15.19896  12.50863      TRUE
## 2  -12433.31 4998.224     15.22791  11.96684      TRUE
## 3  -12380.88 5083.202     14.84340  10.79008      TRUE
## 4  -12346.74 5176.976     14.40797  11.29032      TRUE
## 5  -12288.96 5256.500     14.10876  13.25475     FALSE
## 6  -12220.06 5328.867     14.03954  13.74772     FALSE
## 7  -12159.37 5408.301     13.71599  13.71607     FALSE
## 8  -12098.16 5487.342     13.87686  13.66589     FALSE
## 9  -12043.62 5570.948     14.09663  14.51252     FALSE
## 10 -11994.36 5657.941     13.52844  14.68849     FALSE
## 11 -11961.75 5751.910     13.52844  14.37514     FALSE
## 12 -11958.03 5850.898     13.52844  13.33103     FALSE
## 13 -11989.70 5944.890     13.05134  12.16059     FALSE
## 14 -12054.15 6020.274     11.83306  12.42419     FALSE
## 15 -12084.07 6108.526     11.46756  11.45564     FALSE
## 16 -12105.10 6204.911     11.15663        NA        NA
plot(buffer300$wintri$line, add=TRUE)
plot(buffer20$wintri$line, add=TRUE)
plot(coast.pts, add=TRUE, pch=19, col=ifelse(out$df$upwelling, "red", "black"))
plot(out$offshore.pts, add=TRUE, pch=1)
title("coast points and corresponding offshore points")
Coast points and corresponding offshore points. tol = 50 Offshore line is smoothed so points won't fall on line.

Coast points and corresponding offshore points. tol = 50 Offshore line is smoothed so points won’t fall on line.